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Topic outline

  • Lecture 1- Introduction

    Lecture:  1



    PowerPoint based  interaction

    Topics to be covered


    Course description, structure and expectations; outlining the major issues.

    Learning Outcome




    Case Study /In-house Practical


    Assignment/Quiz/ Project


    Instructions for the Next Lecture

    Look for the terms like capitalism, socialism and centralized and mixed economies in the text of other related material.

  • Lecture 2- Economic Systems

    Lecture:  2



    PowerPoint based classroom interaction

    Topics to be covered

    Types of economic systems – capitalistic, centralized and mixed economy

    Learning Outcome

    Students will feel at home with the common terminology of the economic systems.


    Singh, 1.5 – 1.6

    Case Study /In-house Practical


    Assignment/Quiz/ Project


    Instructions for the Next Lecture


  • Lecture 3- Types of Economies

    Lecture:  3



    PowerPoint based classroom interaction

    Topics to be covered

    Types of economies – agrarian, industrial and service, mixed

    Learning Outcome

    Students will feel at home with the common terminology about the types of economies.


    Singh, 1.13 – 1.14

    Case Study /In-house Practical


    Assignment/Quiz/ Project


    Instructions for the Next Lecture


  • Lecture 4- Economic Growth & Development

    Lecture:  4



    PowerPoint based Classroom interaction

    Topics to be covered

    Economic growth, development and happiness – basic concepts

    Learning Outcome

    Students will better understand the meaning and the need for analyzing these concepts.


    Singh, 2.2 – 2.18

    Case Study /In-house Practical


    Assignment/Quiz/ Project


    Instructions for the Next Lecture

    List the features of Indian economy.

  • Lecture 5- Features of Indian Economy

    Lecture:  5



    PowerPoint  based classroom interaction

    Topics to be covered

    Features of Indian economy and its evolution

    Learning Outcome

    The students will problems and potential of Indian economy and how the same can be or are being taken care of in planning in the country.


    Singh, 3.2 -3.12

    Case Study /In-house Practical


    Assignment/Quiz/ Project


    Instructions for the Next Lecture


  • Lecture 6- National Income Estimates

    Lecture:  6



    PowerPoint  based classroom interaction

    Topics to be covered

    National Income in India – concept of NI and its measurement,

    Learning Outcome

    Students will be able to understand the macro-aggregates of income in a better way.



    Case Study /In-house Practical


    Assignment/Quiz/ Project

    Assignment (group task): Collect data on NI of the country for the past 5-10 years

    Instructions for the Next Lecture


  • Lecture 7- National Income: Problems & Importance

    Lecture:  7



    PowerPoint  based classroom interaction

    Topics to be covered

    National Income in India – Problems and Importance

    Learning Outcome

    Students will be able to understand the macro-aggregates of income in a better way.



    Case Study /In-house Practical


    Assignment/Quiz/ Project

    Assignment (group task): Collect data on NI of the country for the past 5-10 years

    Instructions for the Next Lecture


  • Lecture 8- Economic Planning

    Lecture:  8



    PowerPoint  based classroom interaction

    Topics to be covered

    Economic planning – meaning, origin and types

    Learning Outcome

    The students will problems and potential of Indian economy and how the same can be or are being taken care of in planning in the country.


    Singh, 4.2 – 4.7

    Case Study /In-house Practical


    Assignment/Quiz/ Project


    Instructions for the Next Lecture


  • Lecture 9- Planning Process

    Lecture:  9 - 10



    PowerPoint  based classroom interaction

    Topics to be covered

    Planning process in India –  background, major objectives and levels of planning

    Learning Outcome

    The students will problems and potential of Indian economy and how the same can be or are being taken care of in planning in the country.


    Singh, 5.2 – 5.8

    Case Study /In-house Practical


    Assignment/Quiz/ Project


    Instructions for the Next Lecture

    Discuss in group the NITI Aayog and its need.

  • Lecture 10- Levels of Planning

    Lecture:  9 - 10



    PowerPoint  based classroom interaction

    Topics to be covered

    Planning process in India –  background, major objectives and levels of planning

    Learning Outcome

    The students will problems and potential of Indian economy and how the same can be or are being taken care of in planning in the country.


    Singh, 5.2 – 5.8

    Case Study /In-house Practical


    Assignment/Quiz/ Project


    Instructions for the Next Lecture

    Discuss in group the NITI Aayog and its need.

    • Lecture 11- Planning process in India - Planning Commission


      PowerPoint based classroom interaction

      Topics to be covered

      Planning process in India - Planning Commission and Five Year Plans

      Learning Outcome

      The students will come to know the major problems and potential of Indian economy and how the same can be or are being taken care of in planning in the country.


      Singh, 5.12 – 5.29; 5.6-5.88.

      Case Study /In-house Practical


      Assignment/Quiz/ Project

      Assignment: Prepare a note on newly formed NITI Aayog – need for it and its structure and functions.

    • Lecture 12- NITI Aayog


      PowerPoint based Classroom interaction

      Topics to be covered

      NITI Aayog

      Learning Outcome

      1. Get clarity about NITI AAyog,  and constitution.

      2. Evaluate functions of NITI Aayog

      3. Differentiate between Planning Commission and NITI Aayog


      Singh, 6.4-6.9

      Case study/Practical

      Find out the current members of NITI Aayog

    • Lecture 13- Economic reforms in India


      PowerPoint based classroom interaction

      Topics to be covered

      Economic reforms in India -I

      Learning Outcome

      Clarity about reasons behind economic reforms

      Different reforms in India


      Singh, 6.9-6.1

    • Lecture 14- Impact of Economic Reforms


      PowerPoint based classroom interaction

      Topics to be covered

      Economic Reforms- LPG

      Learning Outcome

      The students will come to know the impact of economic reforms in India.


      Singh, 5.12 – 5.29; 5.6-5.88.

      Case Study /In-house Practical


      Assignment/Quiz/ Project

      Assignment: Prepare a note on some of the reforms in various sector

    • Lecture 15- Inflation


      PowerPoint based classroom interaction

      Topics to be covered


      Learning Outcome

      The students will come to know the various concepts of Inflation


      Singh, 7.1- 7.24.

      Case Study /In-house Practical


      Assignment/Quiz/ Project

      Assignment: Prepare a list if items included in the basket of CPI and WPI

    • Lecture 16- Inflation: Demand Pull Vs Cost Push


      PowerPoint based Classroom interaction

      Topics to be covered

      Inflation – meaning, causes and inflation in India

      Learning Outcome

      Clarity about the meaning and use of the term inflation and also about the level of inflation in India vis-a-vis other countries.


      Singh, 7.1 - 7.24

      Case Study /In-house Practical


      Assignment/Quiz/ Project

      Assignment: to prepare a conceptual note on the meaning and types of inflation

    • Lecture 17- Inflation: Control Measures


      PowerPoint based Classroom interaction

      Topics to be covered

      Inflation – meaning, causes and inflation in India

      Learning Outcome

      Clarity about the meaning and use of the term inflation and also about the level of inflation in India vis-a-vis other countries.


      Singh, 7.1 - 7.24

      Case Study /In-house Practical


      Assignment/Quiz/ Project

      Assignment: to prepare a conceptual note on the meaning and types of inflation

    • Lecture 18- Unemployment


      PowerPoint based classroom interaction

      Topics to be covered

      Unemployment in Indian economy

      Learning Outcome

      Students will better understand the type of unemployment in the economy.


      Singh, 8.1-8.8.2; and Material provided/referred in class



      Find out the current fugues for unemployment rate in India

      Try to analyse the reasons for unemployment in India

    • Lecture 19- Unemployment: Corrective Measures


      PowerPoint based classroom interaction

      Topics to be covered

      Unemployment: Reasons in India

      Unemployment: Corrective Measures in India

      Learning Outcome

      Learn the reasons for unemployment in India

      Evaluate the corrective mesaures


      Singh, 8.4 – 8.10


      list the government initiatives to control unemployment in India

    • Lecture 20- Poverty




      PowerPoint based classroom interaction

      Topics to be covered

      Poverty in India

      Learning Outcome

      Level of comfort of the students in analyzing the poverty in India


      Singh, 8.4 – 8.10

      Case Study /In-house Practical


      Assignment/Quiz/ Project


      Instructions for the Next Lecture


    • Lecture 21- Poverty Measures in India




      PowerPoint based classroom interaction

      Topics to be covered

      Poverty – Causes and Measures in India

      Learning Outcome

      Students will come to know and analyse the government initiatives to eliminate poverty


      Singh, 8.18 - 8.24

      Case Study /In-house Practical


      Assignment/Quiz/ Project


      Instructions for the Next Lecture


    • Lecture 22- Agriculture in India




      PowerPoint based classroom interaction

      Topics to be covered

      Agriculture in India 

      Learning Outcome

      Students will come to know about the role and contribution of agriculture in Indian Economy


      Singh, 8.3 - 8.15

      Case Study /In-house Practical


      Assignment/Quiz/ Project


      Instructions for the Next Lecture


    • Lecture 23- Green Revolution




      PowerPoint based classroom interaction

      Topics to be covered

      Green Revolution

      Learning Outcome

      Students will come to know about the role that technology can play in improving food security.


      Singh, 8.11- 8.15

      Case Study /In-house Practical


      Assignment/Quiz/ Project

      Assignment: A note on meaning of green revolution, white revolution, blue revolution etc. and to compare the agricultural production before and after green revolution in the country

      Instructions for the Next Lecture


    • Lecture 24- Food Management

      Lecture:  24



      PowerPoint based classroom interaction

      Topics to be covered

      Food Management in India – sVarious Initiatives

      Learning Outcome

      Need for Food Management would become clear to the students


      Singh, 8.25 – 8.26

      Case Study /In-house Practical


      Assignment/Quiz/ Project


      Instructions for the Next Lecture


    • Lecture 25- Agricultural Marketing

      Lecture:  25



      PowerPoint based classroom interaction

      Topics to be covered

      Agricultural marketing – issues and mesures

      Learning Outcome

      Students will come to know the problems in marketing of agricultural produce and efforts being made to tackle the same


      Singh, 8.26 - 8.30

      Case Study /In-house Practical


      Assignment/Quiz/ Project


      Instructions for the Next Lecture


    • Lecture 26- National Food Security

      Lecture:  26-27



      PowerPoint based classroom interaction

      Topics to be covered

      National Food Security Mission (NFSM), Macro management of agriculture (MMA), Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojna (RKVY), National Horticulture Mission (NHM) NMSA

      Learning Outcome

      Students will come to know about the efforts being made to manage food security in the country


      Singh,8.35 – 8.37

      Case Study /In-house Practical


      Assignment/Quiz/ Project


      Instructions for the Next Lecture


    • Lecture 27- National Horticulture Mission

      Lecture:  26-27



      PowerPoint based classroom interaction

      Topics to be covered

      National Food Security Mission (NFSM): National Horticulture Mission (NHM) 

      Learning Outcome

      Students will come to know about the efforts being made to manage food security in the country


      Singh,8.35 – 8.37

      Case Study /In-house Practical


      Assignment/Quiz/ Project


      Instructions for the Next Lecture


    • Lecture 28 - Food Corporation of India

      Lecture:  28



      PowerPoint based classroom interaction

      Topics to be covered

      Food Corporation of India

      Learning Outcome

       understand the functioning of Food Corporation India

      analyse the initiatives in Indian Agriculture


      Singh, 8.37-8.41

      Case Study /In-house Practical


      Assignment/Quiz/ Project


      Instructions for the Next Lecture


    • Lecture 30- Revision and Discussion

      Lecture:  30



      classroom interaction

      Topics to be covered

      Initiatives in Agriculture in India

      Learning Outcome

      Students will be able to exchange the knowledge on the issue.


      Case Study /In-house Practical

      Assignment/Quiz/ Project

      To come prepared with some points for discussion

      Instructions for the Next Lecture


    • Lecture 31 - Industrial Development in India

      Lecture:  31



      PowerPoint based classroom interaction

      Topics to be covered

      Industrial development in India – review

      Learning Outcome

      Know about the status of industrialization in the country

      Describe the issues in Indian Industry Sector


      Singh, 9.1 -9.11

      Case Study /In-house Practical


      Assignment/Quiz/ Project


      Instructions for the Next Lecture

      -Identify major industries in India

    • Lecture 32 - Industrial Policies in India

      Lecture:  32



      PowerPoint based classroom interaction

      Topics to be covered

      Industrial policies in India – review

      Learning Outcome

      Know about the efforts being made to promote industrialization in the country


      Singh, 9.1 -9.11

      Case Study /In-house Practical


      Assignment/Quiz/ Project


      Instructions for the Next Lecture


    • Lecture 33 -  New Industrial Policy, 1991

      Lecture:  33



      PowerPoint based classroom interaction

      Topics to be covered

      New Industrial Policy, 1991

      Learning Outcome

      Better understanding of the major policy shift in Industry Sector in 1991

      Understand the economic reforms in Industry Sector


      Singh, 9.8 – 9.11

      Case Study /In-house Practical


      Assignment/Quiz/ Project


      Instructions for the Next Lecture


    • Lecture 34 - Disinvestment

      Lecture:  34



      PowerPoint based classroom interaction

      Topics to be covered


      Learning Outcome

      Understand the New Economic Policy initiatives in context to privatization


      Singh, 9.18- 9.25

      Case Study /In-house Practical


      Assignment/Quiz/ Project


      Instructions for the Next Lecture

      Make an internet search for 10-15 most important PSUs where disinvestment took place.

    • Lecture 35 - India's Service Sector

      Lecture:  35



      PowerPoint based classroom interaction

      Topics to be covered

      India’s service sector – a review

      Learning Outcome

      The students will better understand the contribution of service sector and the potential for service sector in India and its contribution


      Singh, 10.1 – 10.16

    • Lecture 36 - India's Service Sector-A Review

      Lecture:  36



      PowerPoint based classroom interaction

      Topics to be covered

      India’s service sector – a review

      Learning Outcome

      The students will better understand the contribution of service sector and the potential for service sector in India and its contribution


      Singh, 10.1 – 10.16

    • Lecture 37 - Steps to Boost the Economy

      Lecture:  37



      PowerPoint based  interaction

      Topics to be covered

      Steps to Boost the Economy

      Learning Outcome

      Get to know about the challenges in Indian Economy

      Analyse the initiatives taken to boost the economy


      Singh, 16.1 – 16.15

    • Lecture 38 - New Initiatives in Indian Economy

      Lecture:  38



      PowerPoint based classroom interaction

      Topics to be covered

      New Initiatives

      Learning Outcome

      Students will become aware of the new initiatives taken by the Indian Government

      Able to evaluate the new initiatives 


      Singh, 21.1 -21.27

    • Lecture 39- Performance of Small Scale Industries in India

      Lecture:  39



      PowerPoint based classroom interaction

      Topics to be covered

      Performance of Small Scale Industries in India

      Learning Outcome

      Analyse the importance of Small Scale Industries in  India


      Singh, 12.10-12.12

    • Lecture 40- Role of Small Scale Industries in India

      Lecture:  40



      PowerPoint based  interaction

      Topics to be covered

      Role of Small Scale Industries in India

      Opportunities for SSIs in India

      Learning Outcome

      understand and analyse the role of SSIs in India


      Singh, 16.1 – 16.15

    • Lecture 41- Role of IMF

      Lecture:  41



      PowerPoint based classroom interaction

      Topics to be covered


      Learning Outcome

      Understand the role of IMF

      Analyse the role of IMF in India


      Singh, 12.10-12.12

    • Lecture 42- World Bank

      Lecture:  42



      PowerPoint based classroom interaction

      Topics to be covered

      World Bank and its role

      Learning Outcome

      Students will better perceive the role of World Bank

      Also understand the difference in functioning of IMF and World Bbank


      Singh, 12.4- 12.9 and material provided in the class

    • Lecture 43- RBI

      Lecture:  43



      • Oral & Power Point Presentation 
      • Classroom discussion

      Topics to be covered

      1. Reserve Bank of India
      • Role and Functions of RBI

      Learning Motivation

      1. Get an overview of RBI 
      2. Understand the importance of RBI 


      Case Study /Practical


    • Lecture 44- Summary

      Lecture: 44



      • Oral Discussion

      Topics to be covered

      1. Summary of the Topics Covered
      • Brief of topics

      Learning Motivation

      1. Get a quick revision of the course topics
      2. Get the doubts clarified


      1. PPTs covered and uploaded in each lecture

      Case Study /Practical

      Examples and Discussion

    • Lecture 45- Concluding Remark & Test

      Lecture:  1



      • Oral & Power Point Presentation

      Topics to be covered

      1. Concluding remarks

      Learning Motivation

      1. Discuss the outcome of the course
      2. Evaluate their understanding of the course


      Case Study /Practical

      online test