Organizational Development and Change Management
Code : MST(HR) 552
Credits : 02
Teacher : Mrs Prachi Kapil
Email : prachi.538@shooliniuniversity.com
Mobile : 7807059026
Lecture: 1 |
Pedagogy |
General discussion in the class regarding the ideology of the subject Power Point Presentation and oral explanations |
Topics to be covered |
Definition, Field and history of Organization Development
Learning Outcome |
Understanding of the background of the subject Distinctive features of OD |
Readings |
Organization Development by Wendell L. French and Cecil H. Bell,Prentice Hall of India PP 1-61 |
Case Study /Practical |
- |
Assignment/Quiz/ Project |
- |
Instructions for the Next Lecture |
Students would be asked to read introduction and history of the subject from the recommended book. |
Lecture: 2 |
Pedagogy |
Discussion of the previous lecture Power Point Presentation and Classroom Interaction |
Topics to be covered |
Assumptions and beliefs in OD, Foundations of OD
Learning Outcome |
The activities’ related to systematic OD Understanding of the basis of participation and empowerment
Readings |
Organization Development by Wendell L. French and Cecil H. Bell,Prentice Hall of India PP 62-104 |
Case Study /Practical |
- |
Assignment/Quiz/ Project |
Instructions for the Next Lecture |
Students are required to read theory on history and foundations of OD from the recommended book. |
Lecture: 3 |
Pedagogy |
Powerpoint presentation and classroom discussion White board and marker for diagrams |
Topics to be covered |
Managing OD process and Action Research
Learning Outcome |
Model of diagnostic research Critical programs of OD |
Readings |
Organization Development by Wendell L. French and Cecil H. Bell,Prentice Hall of India PP 104-144 |
Case Study/The Situation |
Assignment/Quiz/ Practical |
Instructions for the Next Lecture |
Students are required to read the case “Its your turn” from the recommended book |
Lecture: 4 |
Pedagogy |
Powerpoint presentation and classroom discussion Discussion with the students on the case to be discussed |
Topics to be covered |
Case Study: Its Your Turn
Learning Outcome |
Understanding of practical issues concerned with the subject To come out with viable solutions for the problem at hand |
Readings |
Organization Development and Change Management by Cummings and Worley, Thomson South Western, PP 198-199 |
Case Study/The Situation |
Assignment/Quiz/ Practical |
Students are supposed to submit the answer to the questions discussed in the class within three days. |
Instructions for the Next Lecture |
Students would be asked to read theoretical concepts of OD interventions |
Lecture: 5 |
Pedagogy |
Powerpoint Presentation and classroom discussion |
Topics to be covered |
Overview of OD interventions and their types
Learning Outcome |
Classification of OD interventions Planning and implementation of OD interventions |
Readings |
Organization Development by Wendell L. French and Cecil H. Bell,Prentice Hall of India PP 145-154 |
Case Study/The Situation |
Assignment/Quiz/ Practical |
Instructions for the Next Lecture |
Students would be asked to read Sensitivity training and Life and career planning form the recommended book |
Lecture: 6 |
Pedagogy |
Powerpoint Presentation and classroom Discussion White board and marker for theoretical explanations |
Topics to be covered |
Sensitivity Training and Life and Career Planning
Learning Outcome |
Effects of behaviours on others An individual’s analysis of his/her life and career trajectory |
Readings |
Organization Development by Wendell L. French and Cecil H. Bell,Prentice Hall of India 243-248 |
Case Study/The Situation |
Assignment/Quiz/ Practical |
Instructions for the Next Lecture |
Students are required to read Role analysis techniques for the next lecture |
Lecture: 7 |
Pedagogy |
Powerpoint Presentation and classroom discussion White board and marker |
Topics to be covered |
Role Analysis Technique and Coaching and mentoring
Learning Outcome |
Clarification of role expectations and obligations Enhancement of coaching and mentoring skills |
Readings |
Organization Development by Wendell L. French and Cecil H. Bell,Prentice Hall of India PP166-168 and PP 248-249 |
Case Study/The Situation |
Assignment/Quiz/ Practical |
Instructions for the Next Lecture |
Students are required to read about MBO for the next lecture |
Lecture: 8 |
Pedagogy |
Powerpoint Presentation and conceptual discussion in the class Formation of goals and objectives |
Topics to be covered |
Management by Objectives and Quality Circles
Learning Outcome |
Understand the concept of participative management Alignment of personal goals with business strategy |
Readings |
Organization Development and Change Management by Cummings and Worley, Thomson South Western, PP 320-326and PP 384-388 |
Case Study/The Situation |
Assignment/Quiz/ Practical |
Instructions for the Next Lecture |
Students are asked to read theory of Grid Organization Development from the recommended book |
Lecture: 9 |
Pedagogy |
Powerpoint Presentation and class room discussion White board and marker for diagrams |
Topics to be covered |
Managerial Grid and Team development
Learning Outcome |
Understand the concept and practical use of a Managerial grid in OD Accomplishment of tasks in groups and enhancement of interpersonal skills
Readings |
Organization Development and Change Management by Cummings and Worley, Thomson South Western, PP 329-341 and PP 262-266 |
Case Study/The Situation |
Assignment/Quiz/ Practical |
Instructions for the Next Lecture |
Students will be asked to read Likert’s Systems’ theoretical concepts for the next lecture |
Lecture: 10 |
Pedagogy |
Powerpoint presentations
Topics to be covered |
Likert Systems and Process Consultation |
Learning Outcome |
Measures pertaining to leadership, organization climate and job satisfaction Diagnosing and understanding process events
Readings |
Organization Development by Wendell L. French and Cecil H. Bell,Prentice Hall of India PP 205-208 and PP 163-165 |
Case Study/The Situation |
Assignment/Quiz/ Practical |
Instructions for the Next Lecture |
Lecture: 11 |
Pedagogy |
Powerpoint presentation and discussion |
Topics to be covered |
Survey feedback
Learning Outcome |
Process of systematically collecting data Feeding the data for individuals and groups |
Readings |
Organization Development by Wendell L. French and Cecil H. Bell,Prentice Hall of India PP 202-205
Case Study/The Situation |
Assignment/Quiz/ Practical |
Instructions for the Next Lecture |
Lecture: 12 |
Pedagogy |
Powerpoint Presentations and Classroom discussions Discussion on the case under study
Topics to be covered |
Team Interventions
Learning Outcome |
Characteristics of an effective team Working in high performance teams |
Readings |
Organization Development by Wendell L. French and Cecil H. Bell,Prentice Hall of India PP 155-163
Case Study/The Situation |
Assignment/Quiz/ Practical |
Instructions for the Next Lecture |
Lecture: 13 |
Pedagogy |
Powerpoint Presentations White board and marker for description |
Topics to be covered |
Intergroup and Third party Peacemaking Interventions
Learning Outcome |
Resolution of intergroup conflict Improving intergroup relations |
Readings |
Organization Development by Wendell L. French and Cecil H. Bell,Prentice Hall of India PP 180-189
Case Study/The Situation |
Assignment/Quiz/ Practical |
Instructions for the Next Lecture |
Lecture: 14 |
Pedagogy |
Powerpoint Presentation and classroom discussion |
Topics to be covered |
Comprehensive OD Interventions
Learning Outcome |
Comprehensive OD interventions involving the organization as a whole Understanding Real time change |
Readings |
Organization Development by Wendell L. French and Cecil H. Bell,Prentice Hall of India PP 190-216
Case Study/The Situation |
Assignment/Quiz/ Practical |
Instructions for the Next Lecture |
Revision of Unit-I and Unit-II for MCQ based quiz |
Lecture: 15 |
Pedagogy |
Display of MCQs on E-Univ Students would be asked to answer The answers would be marked online and it will be counted in the internal assessment |
Topics to be covered |
QUIZ 1:Unit-I and Unit-II |
Learning Outcome |
Revision of the concepts already learnt Preparation for exams |
Readings |
Organization Development by Wendell L. French and Cecil H. Bell, Prentice Hall of India
Case Study/The Situation |
Assignment/Quiz/ Practical |
Instructions for the Next Lecture |
Lecture: 16 |
Pedagogy |
Powerpoint presentations White board and marker for explanation of theoretical concepts |
Topics to be covered |
Characteristics of Transformational Change
Learning Outcome |
Interventions aimed at transforming organizations Activities directed at changing the basic character of the organizations |
Readings |
Organization Development and Change Management by Cummings and Worley, Thomson South Western, PP 498-501 |
Case Study/The Situation |
Assignment/Quiz/ Practical |
Instructions for the Next Lecture |
Students would be asked to read Organization Culture form the recommended book |
Lecture: 17 |
Pedagogy |
Video associated with the topic Powerpoint presentation and classroom discussion |
Topics to be covered |
Organization Culture
Learning Outcome |
Understanding of the basic assumptions, values and beliefs shared by organizational members. The various approached to diagnose organization cultural changes. |
Readings |
Organization Development and Change Management by Cummings and Worley, Thomson South Western, PP 502-508 |
Case Study/The Situation |
Assignment/Quiz/ Practical |
Instructions for the Next Lecture |
Students are supposed to read Dimensions of change for discussion in the next lecture |
Lecture: 18 |
Pedagogy |
Discussion on what students have understood through reading the topic Powerpoint Presentation |
Topics to be covered |
Dimensions of change and Change Process |
Learning Outcome |
Students would be able to understand how change takes place in an organization Understanding of the concept that change is a step by step process and its management |
Readings |
Class notes and reference material will be provided by the instructor |
Case Study/The Situation |
Assignment/Quiz/ Practical |
Instructions for the Next Lecture |
Students would be asked to come up with some change agents in their day to day life |
Lecture: 19 |
Pedagogy |
Discussion on the inputs from the students Powerpoint presentation White board and marker |
Topics to be covered |
Change agents |
Learning Outcome |
Recognition of various change agents The impact of change agents in bringing about a successful change process |
Readings |
Class notes and reference material will be provided by the instructor. |
Case Study/The Situation |
Assignment/Quiz/ Practical |
Instructions for the Next Lecture |
Lecture: 20 |
Pedagogy |
Video on client relationships Powerpoint Presentation and classroom discussion |
Topics to be covered |
Consultant-client relationships
Learning Outcome |
Entry and contracting in a client system Nature of the consultant’s expertise |
Readings |
Organization Development by Wendell L. French and Cecil H. Bell,Prentice Hall of India PP 253-269
Case Study/The Situation |
Assignment/Quiz/ Practical |
Instructions for the Next Lecture |
Lecture: 21 |
Pedagogy |
Discussion on inputs from the students Powerpoint Presenatation Discussion of the case |
Topics to be covered |
Case: “ Ring and Royce Company” |
Learning Outcome |
Students would be able to understand organization culture. Sources of resistance in an organization. |
Readings |
Case Study/The Situation |
Assignment/Quiz/ Practical |
Students are supposed to submit an assignment on their learning of the case (with answers to the questions )within three days |
Instructions for the Next Lecture |
Lecture: 22 |
Pedagogy |
Powerpoint presentations and classroom discussions
Topics to be covered |
Concepts , approaches and determinants of Organization Effectiveness
Learning Outcome |
Understand the concept of Organization Effectiveness The various approaches to OE |
Readings |
Class notes and reference material will be provided by the instructor |
Case Study/The Situation |
Assignment/Quiz/ Practical |
Instructions for the Next Lecture |
Students would be asked to read Organizational Diagnosis methods |
Lecture: 23 |
Pedagogy |
Powerpoint Presentation and class room discussion White board and marker for explanation of concepts |
Topics to be covered |
Diagnosing Organizations |
Learning Outcome |
Understand the need for diagnostic models Discover the problems and areas for improvement in an organization |
Readings |
Organization Development and Change Management by Cummings and Worley, Thomson South Western, PP 82-96 |
Case Study/The Situation |
Assignment/Quiz/ Practical |
Instructions for the Next Lecture |
Students would be asked to read Data Collection Methods form the recommended book |
Lecture: 24 |
Pedagogy |
PowerPoint Presentation and class room discussion on what students had read Discussion on the learning of the students |
Topics to be covered |
Methods of Data collection
Learning Outcome |
Collection of data to analyze how the organization is functioning To understand the various types of data collection methods and their usage in respective situations |
Readings |
Organization Development and Change Management by Cummings and Worley, Thomson South Western, PP 112-120 |
Case Study/The Situation |
Assignment/Quiz/ Practical |
Instructions for the Next Lecture |
Lecture: 25 |
Pedagogy |
Powerpoint Presentation |
Topics to be covered |
Feeding back Diagnostic information
Learning Outcome |
Responsibility of organizing and presenting data Importance of the content of the feedback |
Readings |
Organization Development and Change Management by Cummings and Worley, Thomson South Western, PP 130-133 |
Case Study/The Situation |
Assignment/Quiz/ Practical |
Instructions for the Next Lecture |
Lecture: 26 |
Pedagogy |
Videos and images of stress in organizations |
Topics to be covered |
Causes of Organizational stress |
Learning Outcome |
Preventing negative stress in organizational conditions Diagnosis of current situations causing stress |
Readings |
Organization Development and Change Management by Cummings and Worley, Thomson South Western, PP 442-446 |
Case Study/The Situation |
Assignment/Quiz/ Practical |
Instructions for the Next Lecture |
Lecture: 27 |
Pedagogy |
Video on coping strategies of stress Powerpoint presentation |
Topics to be covered |
Effects of Organizational Stress and Coping Strategies |
Learning Outcome |
Interventions of reducing negative stress Role clarifications and supportive relationships |
Readings |
Organization Development and Change Management by Cummings and Worley, Thomson South Western, PP 446-449 |
Case Study/The Situation |
Assignment/Quiz/ Practical |
Instructions for the Next Lecture |
Students would be asked to prepare for the quiz of Unit-III and Unit –IV |