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مخطط الموضوع

  • Lecture 1- Definition, Field and History of OD

    Lecture:  1



    General discussion in the class regarding the ideology of the subject

    Power Point Presentation and oral explanations

    Topics to be covered

    Definition, Field and history of Organization Development

    1. Introduction to the subject and the various field that contribute to it
    2. History of Organizational Development


    Learning Outcome

    Understanding of the background of the subject

    Distinctive features of OD


    Organization Development by Wendell L. French and Cecil H. Bell,Prentice Hall of India PP 1-61

    Case Study /Practical


    Assignment/Quiz/ Project


    Instructions for the Next Lecture

    Students would be asked to read introduction and history of the subject from the recommended book.

  • Lecture 2- Assumptions and Beliefs in OD, Foundations of OD

    Lecture:  2



    Discussion of the previous lecture

    Power Point Presentation and Classroom Interaction

    Topics to be covered

    Assumptions and beliefs in OD, Foundations of OD

    1. 1.      Implications of OD values and assumptions
    2. 2.      Models of Planned change

    Learning Outcome

    The activities’ related to systematic OD

    Understanding of the basis of participation and empowerment




    Organization Development by Wendell L. French and Cecil H. Bell,Prentice Hall of India PP 62-104

    Case Study /Practical


    Assignment/Quiz/ Project


    Instructions for the Next Lecture

    Students are required to read theory on history and foundations of OD from the recommended book.

  • Lecture 3- Managing OD Process and Action Research

    Lecture:  3



    Powerpoint presentation and classroom discussion

    White board and marker for diagrams

    Topics to be covered

    Managing OD process and Action Research

    1. Diagnosing Organization Systems
    2. Action Research for problem solving
    3. Varieties of Action Research


    Learning Outcome

    Model of diagnostic research

    Critical programs of OD


    Organization Development by Wendell L. French and Cecil H. Bell,Prentice Hall of India PP 104-144

    Case Study/The Situation


    Assignment/Quiz/ Practical


    Instructions for the Next Lecture

    Students are required to read the case “Its your turn” from the recommended book

  • Lecture 4- Case Study: Its your turn

    Lecture:  4



    Powerpoint presentation and classroom discussion

    Discussion with the students on the case to be discussed

    Topics to be covered

    Case Study: Its Your Turn


    Learning Outcome

    Understanding of practical issues concerned with the subject

    To come out with viable solutions for the problem at hand


    Organization Development and Change Management by Cummings and Worley, Thomson South Western,  PP 198-199

    Case Study/The Situation


    Assignment/Quiz/ Practical

    Students are supposed to submit the answer to the questions discussed in the class within three days.

    Instructions for the Next Lecture

    Students would be asked to read theoretical concepts of OD interventions

  • Lecture 5- Overview of OD Interventions and their types

    Lecture:  5



    Powerpoint Presentation and classroom discussion

    Topics to be covered

    Overview of OD interventions and their types

    1. Meaning of OD interventions
    2. Types of OD interventions



    Learning Outcome

    Classification of OD interventions

    Planning and implementation of OD interventions


    Organization Development by Wendell L. French and Cecil H. Bell,Prentice Hall of India PP 145-154

    Case Study/The Situation


    Assignment/Quiz/ Practical


    Instructions for the Next Lecture

    Students would be asked to read Sensitivity training and Life and career planning form the recommended book

  • Lecture 6- Sensitivity Training and Life and Career Planning

    Lecture:  6



    Powerpoint Presentation and classroom Discussion

    White board and marker for theoretical explanations

    Topics to be covered

    Sensitivity Training and Life and Career Planning

    1. T-Groups
    2. Career Anchors


    Learning Outcome

    Effects of behaviours on others

    An individual’s analysis of his/her life and career trajectory


    Organization Development by Wendell L. French and Cecil H. Bell,Prentice Hall of India 243-248

    Case Study/The Situation


    Assignment/Quiz/ Practical


    Instructions for the Next Lecture

    Students are required to read Role analysis techniques for the next lecture

  • Lecture 7- Role Analysis Technique and Coaching and Mentoring

    Lecture:  7



    Powerpoint Presentation and classroom discussion

    White board and marker

    Topics to be covered

    Role Analysis Technique and Coaching and mentoring

    1. Structural series of steps in Role analysis
    2. Coaching and Mentoring

    Learning Outcome

    Clarification of role expectations and obligations

    Enhancement of coaching and mentoring skills


    Organization Development by Wendell L. French and Cecil H. Bell,Prentice Hall of India PP166-168 and PP 248-249

    Case Study/The Situation


    Assignment/Quiz/ Practical


    Instructions for the Next Lecture

    Students are required to read about MBO for the next lecture

  • Lecture 8- MBO and Quality Circles

    Lecture:  8



    Powerpoint Presentation and conceptual discussion in the class

    Formation of goals and objectives

    Topics to be covered

    Management by Objectives and Quality Circles

    1. Steps of MBO Process
    2. Employee involvement teams

    Learning Outcome

    Understand the concept of participative management

    Alignment of personal goals with business strategy


    Organization Development and Change Management by Cummings and Worley, Thomson South Western,  PP 320-326and PP 384-388

    Case Study/The Situation


    Assignment/Quiz/ Practical


    Instructions for the Next Lecture

    Students are asked to read theory of Grid Organization Development from the recommended book

  • Lecture 9- Managerial Grid and Team Development

    Lecture:  9



    Powerpoint Presentation and class room discussion

    White board and marker for diagrams

    Topics to be covered

    Managerial Grid and Team development

    1. Normative approach of Grid organization Development
    2. Planned activities in groups

    Learning Outcome

    Understand the concept and practical use of a Managerial grid in OD

    Accomplishment of tasks in groups and enhancement of interpersonal skills



    Organization Development and Change Management by Cummings and Worley, Thomson South Western,  PP 329-341 and PP 262-266

    Case Study/The Situation


    Assignment/Quiz/ Practical


    Instructions for the Next Lecture

    Students will be asked to read Likert’s Systems’ theoretical concepts for the next lecture

  • Lecture 10- Likert Systems and Process Consultation

    Lecture:  10



    Powerpoint presentations


    Topics to be covered

    Likert Systems and Process Consultation

    Learning Outcome

    Measures pertaining to leadership, organization climate and job satisfaction

    Diagnosing and understanding process events



    Organization Development by Wendell L. French and Cecil H. Bell,Prentice Hall of India PP 205-208 and PP 163-165

    Case Study/The Situation


    Assignment/Quiz/ Practical


    Instructions for the Next Lecture


  • Lecture 11- Survey Feedback

    Lecture:  11



    Powerpoint presentation and discussion

    Topics to be covered

    Survey feedback

    1. Attitude Survey
    2. Steps of conducting a Survey feedback

    Learning Outcome

    Process of systematically collecting data

    Feeding the data for individuals and groups


    Organization Development by Wendell L. French and Cecil H. Bell,Prentice Hall of India PP 202-205


    Case Study/The Situation


    Assignment/Quiz/ Practical


    Instructions for the Next Lecture


  • Lecture 12- Team Interventions

    Lecture:  12



    Powerpoint Presentations and Classroom discussions

    Discussion on the case under study


    Topics to be covered

    Team Interventions

    1. Cross Functional and effective teams
    2. Formal group team building

    Learning Outcome

    Characteristics of an effective team

    Working in high performance teams


    Organization Development by Wendell L. French and Cecil H. Bell,Prentice Hall of India PP 155-163


    Case Study/The Situation


    Assignment/Quiz/ Practical


    Instructions for the Next Lecture


  • Lecture 13- Intergroup and Third party Peacemaking Interventions

    Lecture:  13



    Powerpoint Presentations

    White board and marker for description

    Topics to be covered

    Intergroup and Third party Peacemaking Interventions

    1. Intergroup Team building Interventions
    2. Third party peacemaking interventions
    3. Organization Mirror interventions


    Learning Outcome

    Resolution of intergroup conflict

    Improving intergroup relations


    Organization Development by Wendell L. French and Cecil H. Bell,Prentice Hall of India PP 180-189


    Case Study/The Situation


    Assignment/Quiz/ Practical


    Instructions for the Next Lecture


  • Lecture 14- Comprehensive OD Interventions

    Lecture:  14



    Powerpoint Presentation and classroom discussion

    Topics to be covered

    Comprehensive OD Interventions

    1. Real Time Strategic Change
    2. Stream Analysis

    Learning Outcome

    Comprehensive OD interventions involving the organization as a whole

    Understanding Real time change


    Organization Development by Wendell L. French and Cecil H. Bell,Prentice Hall of India PP 190-216


    Case Study/The Situation


    Assignment/Quiz/ Practical


    Instructions for the Next Lecture

    Revision of Unit-I and Unit-II for MCQ based quiz

  • Lecture 15- Quiz 1

    Lecture:  15



    Display of MCQs on E-Univ

    Students would be asked to answer

    The answers would be marked online and it will be counted in the internal assessment

    Topics to be covered

     QUIZ 1:Unit-I and Unit-II

    Learning Outcome

    Revision of the concepts already learnt

    Preparation for exams


    Organization Development by Wendell L. French and Cecil H. Bell, Prentice Hall of India


    Case Study/The Situation


    Assignment/Quiz/ Practical


    Instructions for the Next Lecture


    • Lecture 16-Characteristics of Transformational Change

      Lecture:  16



      Powerpoint presentations

      White board and marker for explanation of theoretical concepts

      Topics to be covered

      Characteristics of Transformational Change

      1. Environmental and internal disruptions
      2. Continuous learning and change

      Learning Outcome

      Interventions aimed at transforming organizations

      Activities directed at changing the basic character of the organizations


      Organization Development and Change Management by Cummings and Worley, Thomson South Western,  PP 498-501

      Case Study/The Situation


      Assignment/Quiz/ Practical


      Instructions for the Next Lecture

      Students would be asked to read Organization Culture form the recommended book

    • Lecture 17- Organization Culture

      Lecture:  17



      Video associated with the topic

      Powerpoint presentation and classroom discussion

      Topics to be covered

      Organization Culture

      1. Concept of Organization Culture
      2. 2.      Diagnosing Organization culture

      Learning Outcome

      Understanding of the basic assumptions, values and beliefs shared by organizational members.

      The various approached to diagnose organization cultural changes.


      Organization Development and Change Management by Cummings and Worley, Thomson South Western,  PP 502-508

      Case Study/The Situation


      Assignment/Quiz/ Practical


      Instructions for the Next Lecture

      Students are supposed to read Dimensions of change for discussion in the next lecture

    • Lecture 18- Dimensions of Change and Change Process

      Lecture:  18



      Discussion on what students have understood through reading the topic

      Powerpoint Presentation

      Topics to be covered

      Dimensions of change and Change Process

      Learning Outcome

      Students would be able to understand how change takes place in an organization

      Understanding of the concept that change is a step by step process and its management


      Class notes and reference material will be provided by the instructor

      Case Study/The Situation


      Assignment/Quiz/ Practical


      Instructions for the Next Lecture

      Students would be asked to come up with some change agents in their day to day life

    • Lecture 19- Change Agents

      Lecture:  19



      Discussion on the inputs from the students

      Powerpoint presentation

      White board and marker

      Topics to be covered

       Change agents

      Learning Outcome

      Recognition of various change agents

      The impact of change agents in bringing about a successful change process


      Class notes and reference material will be provided by the instructor.

      Case Study/The Situation


      Assignment/Quiz/ Practical


      Instructions for the Next Lecture


    • Lecture 20- Consultant- Client Relationship

      Lecture:  20



      Video on client relationships

      Powerpoint Presentation and classroom discussion

      Topics to be covered

      Consultant-client relationships

      1. Trust issue
      2. Depth of intervention

      Learning Outcome

      Entry and contracting in a client system

      Nature of the consultant’s expertise


      Organization Development by Wendell L. French and Cecil H. Bell,Prentice Hall of India PP 253-269


      Case Study/The Situation


      Assignment/Quiz/ Practical


      Instructions for the Next Lecture


    • Lecture 21- Case- Ring and Royce Company

      Lecture:  21



      Discussion on inputs from the students

      Powerpoint Presenatation

      Discussion of the case

      Topics to be covered

      Case: “ Ring and Royce Company”

      Learning Outcome

      Students would be able to understand organization culture.

      Sources of resistance in an organization.



      Case Study/The Situation


      Assignment/Quiz/ Practical

      Students are supposed to submit an assignment on their learning of the case  (with answers to the questions )within three days

      Instructions for the Next Lecture


      • Lecture 22- Concepts, approaches and determinants of OE

        Lecture:  22



        Powerpoint presentations and classroom discussions


        Topics to be covered

        Concepts , approaches and determinants of Organization Effectiveness

        1. Concept of organization effectiveness
        2. 2.      Determinants of effectiveness in an organization

        Learning Outcome

        Understand the concept of Organization Effectiveness

        The various approaches to OE


        Class notes and reference material will be provided by the instructor

        Case Study/The Situation


        Assignment/Quiz/ Practical


        Instructions for the Next Lecture

        Students would be asked to read Organizational Diagnosis methods

      • Lecture 23- Diagnosing Organizations

        Lecture:  23



        Powerpoint Presentation and class room discussion

        White board and marker for explanation of concepts

        Topics to be covered

        Diagnosing Organizations

        Learning Outcome

        Understand the need for diagnostic models

        Discover the problems and areas for improvement in an organization


        Organization Development and Change Management by Cummings and Worley, Thomson South Western,  PP 82-96

        Case Study/The Situation


        Assignment/Quiz/ Practical


        Instructions for the Next Lecture

        Students would be asked to read Data Collection Methods form the recommended book

      • Lecture 24

        Lecture:  24



        PowerPoint Presentation and class room discussion on what students had read

        Discussion on the learning of the students

        Topics to be covered

        Methods of Data collection

        1. Questionnaires
        2. Interviews
        3. Observations


        Learning Outcome

        Collection of data to analyze how the organization is functioning

        To understand the various types of data collection methods and their usage in respective situations


        Organization Development and Change Management by Cummings and Worley, Thomson South Western,  PP 112-120

        Case Study/The Situation


        Assignment/Quiz/ Practical


        Instructions for the Next Lecture


      • Lecture 25- Feeding back diagnostic information

        Lecture:  25



        Powerpoint Presentation

        Topics to be covered

        Feeding back Diagnostic information

        1. Content of the feedback
        2. Characteristics of feedback process

        Learning Outcome

        Responsibility of organizing and presenting data

        Importance of the content of the feedback


        Organization Development and Change Management by Cummings and Worley, Thomson South Western,  PP 130-133

        Case Study/The Situation


        Assignment/Quiz/ Practical


        Instructions for the Next Lecture


      • Lecture 26- Causes of Organizational Stress

        Lecture:  26



        Videos and images of stress in organizations

        Topics to be covered

        Causes of Organizational stress

        Learning Outcome

        Preventing negative stress in organizational conditions

        Diagnosis of current situations causing stress


        Organization Development and Change Management by Cummings and Worley, Thomson South Western,  PP 442-446

        Case Study/The Situation


        Assignment/Quiz/ Practical


        Instructions for the Next Lecture


      • Lecture 27- Effects of Organizational Stress and Coping Strategies

        Lecture:  27



        Video on coping strategies of stress

        Powerpoint presentation

        Topics to be covered

        Effects of Organizational Stress and Coping Strategies

        Learning Outcome

        Interventions of reducing negative stress

        Role clarifications and supportive relationships


        Organization Development and Change Management by Cummings and Worley, Thomson South Western,  PP 446-449

        Case Study/The Situation


        Assignment/Quiz/ Practical


        Instructions for the Next Lecture

        Students would be asked to prepare for the quiz of Unit-III and Unit –IV