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مخطط الموضوع

  • عام

    Organization Behavior

    Code       : MST-514

    Credits   : 02

    Teacher  : Ms. Pooja Verma

    Email      : poojaverma@shooliniuniversity.com

    Mobile    : 9418362236

  • Lecture 1 - Introduction

    Lecture:  1



    Class Room Power Point (ppt) based interaction: Introduction to the concept of Organisation Behavior through exemplary examples.

    Topics to be covered

    1. OB Meaning, Importance

    Learning Outcome

    Student should able to understand that how imperative it is to understand individual and its behaviour to have better working organisations.


    Organisation Behaviour by Stephen Robbins & Timothy A. Judge Pages: 10-14.

    Case Study /In-house Practical


    Assignment/Quiz/ Project


    Instructions for the Next Lecture


  • Lecture 2 - Contributing Disciplines to OB and OB Models

    Lecture:  2



    Class Room Power Point (ppt) based interaction: Introduction to the concept of Organisation Behavior through exemplary examples.

    Topics to be covered

    1. Contributing disciplines to OB
    2. OB Models

    Learning Outcome

    Student should able to understand that how imperative it is to understand individual and its behaviour to have better working organisations.


    Organisation Behaviour by Stephen Robbins & Timothy A. Judge Pages: 14-16,25-30

    Case Study /In-house Practical


    Assignment/Quiz/ Project


    Instructions for the Next Lecture


  • Lecture 3 - Challenges and opportunities of OB

    Lecture:  3



    Class Room Power Point (ppt) based interaction with videos

    Topics to be covered

    1. Challenges & Opportunities

    Learning Outcome

    Student will ascertain the challenges and opportunities managers have in applying OB concepts.


    Organisation Behaviour by Stephen P. Robbins& Timothy A. Judge Pages: 17-24.

    Case Study /In-house Practical


    Assignment/Quiz/ Project


    Instructions for the Next Lecture


  • Lecture 4 - Individual Behaviour

    Lecture:  4



    Class Room Power Point (ppt) based interface

    Topics to be covered

    Individual Behavior-Personal, Psychological & Environmental Factors

    Learning Outcome

    Student will understand that each individual is different.


    Organisation Behavior  by L.M. Prasad Pages: 79 (CN/RM)

    Case Study /In-house Practical


    Assignment/Quiz/ Project


    Instructions for the Next Lecture

    Students are asked to read the case  “Lessons for ‘Undercover’ Bosses”; (already given in the syllabus) for the next lecture

  • Lecture 5 - Perception: Attribution theory

    Lecture:  5



    Class Room Power Point (ppt) based interaction

    Topics to be covered

    Perception1- factors influencing, attribution Theory

    Learning Outcome

    Avoid errors while making decision about others.


    Organisation Behaviour by Stephen Robbins & Timothy A. Judge Pages: 166-170.

    Case Study /In-house Practical


    Assignment/Quiz/ Project


    Instructions for the Next Lecture


  • Lecture 6 - Perception errors

    Lecture:  6



    Class Room Power Point (ppt) based interaction

    Topics to be covered

    Perception 2- common shortcuts in judgement and its application in organizations.

    Learning Outcome

    Identify and avoid shortcuts individuals use in making judgement about others.


    Organisation Behavior by Stephen P. Robbins& Timothy A. Judge Pages: 170-173.

    Case Study /In-house Practical


    Assignment/Quiz/ Project

    List out any 10 perceptual errors in your day to day life.

    Instructions for the Next Lecture

    Students are asked to read the case  “Examinations on time: Perceptual Distortion: Projection”; (already given in the syllabus) for the next lecture

  • Lecture 7 - Perception and decision making

    Lecture:  7



    Class Room Power Point (ppt) based interaction

    Topics to be covered

    Perception and decision making in organisations

    Learning Outcome

    How to apply rational decision making and list common errors in decision making.


    Organisation Behavior by Stephen P. Robbins& Timothy A. Judge Pages: 184-193.

    Case Study /In-house Practical


    Assignment/Quiz/ Project


    Instructions for the Next Lecture


  • Lecture 8 - Attitude

    Lecture:  8



    Class Room Power Point (ppt) based interaction

    Topics to be covered

    Attitudes & its components. Major job related attitude

    Learning Outcome

    Summarize the relationship between attitude and behavior


    Organisation Behavior by Stephen P. Robbins& Timothy A. Judge Pages: 70-88.

    Case Study /In-house Practical


    Assignment/Quiz/ Project


    Instructions for the Next Lecture


  • Lecture 9 - Personality

    Lecture:  9



    Class Room Power Point (ppt) based interaction with videos

    Topics to be covered

    Personality: concepts and its determinants

    Learning Outcome

    Able to determine individuals personality based on various factors.


    Organisation Behavior by Stephen P. Robbins & Timothy A. Judge Pages: -133-135.

    Case Study /In-house Practical


    Assignment/Quiz/ Project


    Instructions for the Next Lecture


  • Lecture 10 - Personality models

    Lecture:  10



    Class Room Power Point (ppt) based interaction with videos

    Topics to be covered

    Personality: Models

    Learning Outcome

    Identify key traits in MBTI and Big five Personality model


    Organisation Behavior  by Stephen P. Robbins & Timothy A. Judge )Pages: 136-138

    Case Study /In-house Practical


    Assignment/Quiz/ Project

    To find out five different personality individuals based on “Big five personality traits” in any famous movie of your choice giving examples of different characteristics of the different personalities.

    Instructions for the Next Lecture


  • Lecture 11 - Motivation-Early theories

    Lecture:  11



    Class Room Power Point (ppt) based interaction with videos

    Topics to be covered

    Motivation: types and early theories

    Learning Outcome

    Understand the importance of motivation in organisations


    Organisation Behavior  by Stephen P. Robbins & Timothy A. Judge Pages: 202-205

    Case Study /In-house Practical


    Assignment/Quiz/ Project


    Instructions for the Next Lecture

    Watch “Chak De” a Shahruk Khan starrer movie.

  • Lecture 12 - Motivation-Contemperary Theories

    Lecture:  12



    Class Room Power Point (ppt) based interaction: Supplemented with the movie discussion.

    Topics to be covered

    Motivation: contemporary theories

    Learning Outcome

    Understand how different motivational theories when applied can enhance efficiency.


    Organisation Behavior  by Stephen P.Robbins & Timothy A.Judge )Pages:205-207

    Case Study /In-house Practical


    Assignment/Quiz/ Project

    Any motivational incidence in your life that changed your situation. Try to relate the same with the motivational theories.

    Instructions for the Next Lecture


  • Lecture 13 - Group Development

    Lecture:  13



    Class Room Power Point (ppt) based interaction with videos

    Topics to be covered

    Group development

    Learning Outcome

    Identifying five stages of group development


    Organisation Behavior  by Stephen P. Robbins & Timothy A. Judge Pages: 272-288

    Case Study /In-house Practical


    Assignment/Quiz/ Project


    Instructions for the Next Lecture


  • Lecture 14 - Group Properties-1

    Lecture:  14



    Class Room Power Point (ppt) based interaction with examples

    Topics to be covered

    Group properties : Roles, Norms and Status

    Learning Outcome

    Understanding group dynamics when faced in real situations to attain high performing groups.


    Organisation Behavior  by Stephen P. Robbins & Timothy A. Judge Pages: 272-288

    Case Study /In-house Practical


    Assignment/Quiz/ Project


    Instructions for the Next Lecture


  • Lecture 15 - Group Properties-2

    Lecture:  15



    Class Room Power Point (ppt) based interaction with examples

    Topics to be covered

    Group properties: Size, Cohesiveness and Diversity

    Learning Outcome

    Understanding group dynamics when faced in real situations to attain high performing groups.


    Organisation Behavior  by Stephen P. Robbins & Timothy A. Judge Pages: 272-288

    Case Study /In-house Practical


    Assignment/Quiz/ Project


    Instructions for the Next Lecture

    Students are asked to read the case  “Dhoni plays it straight- Leadership styles”; (already given in the syllabus) for the next lecture

  • Lecture 16 - Group Decision MAking

    Lecture:  16



    Class Room Power Point (ppt) based interaction

    Topics to be covered

    Group decision making

    Learning Outcome

    How decisions in groups are different


    Organisation Behavior  by Stephen P. Robbins& Timothy A. Judge Pages: 290-295

    Case Study /In-house Practical


    Assignment/Quiz/ Project


    Instructions for the Next Lecture


  • Lecture 17 - Leadership Styles

    Lecture:  17



    Class Room Power Point (ppt) based interaction

    Topics to be covered

    Leadership styles

    Learning Outcome

    Identify the central tenets and main limitations of leadership theories.


    Organisation Behavior  by Stephen P. Robbins & Timothy A. Judge Pages: 368-390

    Case Study /In-house Practical


    Assignment/Quiz/ Project

    Identify any 5 top leaders in corporate world, list out their leadership characteristics and leadership styles.

    Instructions for the Next Lecture


  • Lecture 18 - Leadership Approaches

    Lecture:  18



    Class Room Power Point (ppt) based interaction

    Topics to be covered

    Leadership approaches

    Learning Outcome

    Compare and contrast different styles of leadership


    Organisation Behavior  by Stephen P. Robbins& Timothy A. Judge Pages:368-390

    Case Study /In-house Practical


    Assignment/Quiz/ Project


    Instructions for the Next Lecture


  • Lecture 19 - Organisational Structure: Six Elements of Organizational Structure

    Lecture:  19



    Class Room Power Point (ppt) based interaction with videos

    Topics to be covered

    Organisational Structure: Six elements of Organizational Structure

    Learning Outcome

    • Identify elements of an organization structure.


    Organisation Behavior  by Stephen P. Robbins & Timothy A. Judge Pages: 480-501

    Case Study /In-house Practical


    Assignment/Quiz/ Project


    Instructions for the Next Lecture


  • Lecture 20 - Organizational Structure: Common Organizational Design

    Lecture:  20



    Class Room Power Point (ppt) based interaction with videos

    Topics to be covered

    Organizational Structure: Common organizational design

    Learning Outcome

    • Able to develop and contrast different models of organization structure.


    Organisation Behavior  by Stephen P. Robbins & Timothy A. Judge Pages: 480-501

    Case Study /In-house Practical


    Assignment/Quiz/ Project

    Create organizational Structure chart for any 5 MNC’s into different business covering different organizational structure styles.

    Instructions for the Next Lecture


  • Lecture 21 - Conflict management Process: Stage I & Stage II

    Lecture:  21



    Class Room Power Point (ppt) based interaction with videos

    Topics to be covered

    Conflict management Process: Stage I & Stage II

    Learning Outcome

    Outline the conflict process


    Organisation Behavior  by Stephen P. Robbins& Timothy A. Judge Pages: 445-455

    Case Study /In-house Practical


    Assignment/Quiz/ Project


    Instructions for the Next Lecture


  • هذا الموضوع

    Lecture 22 - Conflict management Process: Stage III, Stage IV & Stage V

    Lecture:  22



    Class Room Power Point (ppt) based interaction with videos

    Topics to be covered

    Conflict management Process: Stage III, Stage IV & Stage V

    Learning Outcome

    Outline the conflict process


    Organisation Behavior  by Stephen P. Robbins& Timothy A. Judge Pages: 445-455

    Case Study /In-house Practical


    Assignment/Quiz/ Project


    Instructions for the Next Lecture


    • Lecture 23 - Stress Management

      Lecture:  23



      Class Room Power Point (ppt) based interaction with videos

      Topics to be covered

      Stress management

      Learning Outcome

      Able to manage individual as well as organizational stress


      Organisation Behavior  by Stephen P. Robbins& Timothy A. Judge Pages: 495-602

      Case Study /In-house Practical


      Assignment/Quiz/ Project


      Instructions for the Next Lecture
